We are ready to implement our new communications system, SchoolCues!
What is SchoolCues?
SchoolCues is a communication tool built specifically for small schools. The company founders built the system based on their own challenges with school communications as parents.
SchoolCues is targeted towards busy parents in the technology generation, enhancing parent engagement on a more frequent basis to keep them engaged. It pushes information and content directly into their inbox and to a smart phone app instead of parents having to retrieve information from School websites.
How It Works
One of the big advantages of SchoolCues is that it will deliver messages and notifications directly into your email in addition to your account on the SchoolCues website. You can also control to a limited extent what messages actually get sent to you.
When you sign on to the website you will be presented with a calendar and a list of tasks and tools. The calendar will have the all-school events overlaid with the calendar for your child’s classroom. If you have more than one child you will be able to see both classrooms’ calendars at the same time, or use the menu to isolate any particular calendar. We will also have class groups or Contact lists, and if you belong to that group, you will see those calendar items as well. On the right you will see any actions you need to take (acknowledgements, RSVPs, etc.) You will also see the links to various modules that will allow you to do things like report an absence or late arrival, contact your teacher, etc.
As with any new system, there will always be a learning curve for all of us along with the occasional kink or two. As we learn to use the system, you may receive a few more emails than we intend. Please have patience as we work out the new process.
If you have suggestions, please let us know or use the Support button on the SchoolCues pages to send them your feedback. It’s the first of its kind in the market and is rapidly evolving to be a popular tool for small schools to transition to the mobile generation.
Is there an app for that?
Yes, the SchoolCues mobile app is available on the IOS and Android platforms and is optimized for the respective phone devices. The app is free to download from the iTunes app store and Google Play. The SchoolCues mobile app is automatically activated for your account with the email ID that is on file associated with your child. In order to use the mobile app, you should first sign up and activate your account on
Next Steps
We would like to get at least one account per family activated by