SchoolCues is the primary way the School office and faculty communicate information with parents and families.

  • Please do NOT reply to emails generated by SchoolCues, they will neither get to the teacher nor bounce back to you.
  • If you:
    1. are not receiving emails from SchoolCues, or
    2. have received a text but did not receive the accompanying email, or
    3. have received an email stating there was a text message and you did not get the text, or
    4. can’t see the calendar specific to your child/children, please contact your school.
  • We will text families in the event of a delay, closing, or any important notifications. There is a school specific number from where the text will come from. Make a note of this number in your phone so that you do not ignore a text from the school. When a text is initiated, an email will also be sent at the same time. Texts are only used for very specific notifications and will not be used for general information.
  • You will not be able to reply to a text message.


What is the quickest way to contact and get a response from SchoolCues Support?

Please use the Support button to the left of your screen on the SchoolCues page and always indicate your school name and email id to submit a ticket for the quickest response. Response time from Support will be longer when an email is sent to [email protected]. You will hear back from them within 24 hrs.

I left a message for SchoolCues Support over the phone and did not get a response back.

We do not offer phone support as our Customer Support process is entirely done online. As a result, we are unable to respond to any messages over the phone.

I do not have my invitation code to register and create my account.

The invitation code will be provided as part of the SchoolCues account creation instructions directly from your school. SchoolCues Support will not be able to provide you with your account creation instructions or the invitation code

I did not receive my activation link after I signed up.

On the Sign Up page, click on the link “Activate your account” and then click on Resend Activation Code, enter your email address and click on Send.

When I click on Forgot Password and enter my email ID, nothing happens.

Clicking on “Forgot Password” will automatically generate a new password provided your email
id has been registered in the system
. However, if you have not signed up and activated your
account on SchoolCues, we will be unable to locate your email in the system. As a result, your
password cannot be reset. Please use the Account Creation instructions that you would have
received from your school to create and activate your account on SchoolCues.

Please check with your school to confirm that your email id matches that in the school records
before registering your account. This is extremely important.

When I log in, I am not seeing my child’s name or any other school related activities.

Parent email address should match the email id in the system back end which is associated with your child. If there is a mismatch in the email ID, you will be unable to view your account information and details after login

Should I re-register my account every year on SchoolCues?

It is not necessary to re-register your account every year. Registration and activation is a one-time process unless your email address changes, in which case, it will be necessary for you to
reactivate your account as a security precaution.

SchoolCues Mobile App Service

  • In order to use the mobile app, the parent should first sign up and activate their account on
  • The SchoolCues account signup and activation process cannot be done using the mobile
    app. It has to be through
  • The SchoolCues mobile app is available on the IOS and Android platforms and is
    optimized for the respective phone devices. The app is free to download from the
    iTunes app store and Google Play.
  • The SchoolCues mobile app is automatically activated for your account with the email ID
    that is on file associated with your child.
  • The mobile app will be active starting August 1 (current year) through July 31 (following
  • When contacting SchoolCues Support, clearly indicate if your issue has to do with
    SchoolCues mobile app or SchoolCues web
We provide a highly effective K-12 education to children in a loving, safe and joyful environment.

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3145 E, Chandler Blvd., Ste 110-706, Phoniex, AZ 85048

(480) 525-7615