Why Montford?

Montford Academy was founded in 2002 by Adriana Farrell, who saw a need for greater nurturing during a child’s development process in school. The existing schools in her community did not provide this need, and she did not want to send her children to such schools, so she started her own. Montford’s teaching approach involves spending a lot of time outside in nature, connecting with our environment and community, and encouraging children to be creative and imaginative. We also believe that children need hands-on learning to grasp important concepts, and that schools need to create an environment that inspires children to learn at their own pace and style.

In other words, our teaching style combines both Montessori and Waldorf. Children should learn because they want to learn, not because they have to. Students who have previously attended Montford Academy went on to become some of the leaders of today, including entrepreneurs, athletes, doctors, and more.

We hope to keep our tradition and teaching style alive for the many years to come, and we are happy to see our school greatly expanding in enrollment numbers year by year.