
Welcome to Hope Christian Academy, we invite you to visit our one of a kind campus to experience for yourself, the vision and values deeply rooted in our school for our students to thrive!.

Rooted in Maria Montessori’s philosophy, the teacher, child, and environment create a learning triangle. Our teachers encourage students, through individual choice, to explore, learn and problem solve in a safe environment that fosters resilience. The classroom meets the social and emotional needs of the children while they learn, respecting and empowering them as individual human beings and contributing members of society. Hope Christian Academy is an extended family and community of students who take care of one another while showing compassion and respect. No other educational environment is as well equipped to see each student as an individual and to build the skills each student will need to take his or her place in our global community.

Founded 1955

In the 1950s, a re-discovery of Dr. Maria Montessori’s revolutionary approach to child development spread across the United States. Hope Christian Academy, was among the first wave of educators who embraced Dr. Montessori’s philosophy.

The first year was a success. The children were excited to learn everything they touched and parents seemed pleased to have them continue, and to tell their friends, and enroll their younger children.

Students at Hope Christian Academy love coming to school. Parents know that the unparalleled preparation their children receive gives them the firm foundation through Christ-centered education needed to excel in high school, college, and life. As a result, our student re-enrollment rate remains steady at over 95% each year.

Our Vision

“To provide a Montessori environment that inspires children to reach their potential through meaningful work.” 

Our Mission

A Montessori school is more than a classroom with different materials. In order to understand how it is different, we must expand our thinking to include more than just the basics. A Montessori classroom represents a social and emotional environment where children are respected and empowered as individual human beings and learn to be contributing members of society. Hope Christian Academy is well equipped to see each student as an individual and to build the skills each student will need to take his or her place in our global community. 

Our Campus